What new in the EMP basket? Come and see!
2nd Thursday of the Month from 12 - 1 pm Eastern time
Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dec. 12, 2024
Training updates and experience.
Two other web sites:
/ www.akamai.university/emp.ht
Open dialogue with the EMP practitioners, specialist, and teachers
who have helped shape who we are!
Thank you to each and everyone of you
who answered the call.
Open invitation for dialogue - to let you know what happened,
where we are and new possibilities.
Come with an open mind and honest examples
of what worked, and what you know about you NOW!
What are YOUR needs?
Can I help in some way???? To promote YOU!!!
At age 80 I am thinking
what is next?
How can my work continue?
And in what way and who has something to say about it.
All for now - if nothing else
come and say hi!
Lots going on for me with many demands but
I am happy, well and following my spiritual guidance daily.
I love what I have done and what we have done together.
You will always be in my heart.
Love, MJ
PS The web site is up and running in two places now.
Here is the zoom link for us.
Resilience During Times of Stress
Join us for a transformative
FREE online event!
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Transform Your Life!
Services Available Online &
Private Sessions $50 for 15 minutes
Dr. Bulbrook is a holistic registered nurse, family wellness therapist and internationally renown master teacher, spiritual / medical intuitive, mystic, shaman, co-creative healing medium, expert energy specialist, health care professional and psychotherapist with over 50+ years practicing, teaching energy based care worldwide.
Currently she is Dean of the College of Integrative Health, CEO and President Emeritus of Akamai University.
Dr. Bulbrook combines science, spirituality, health care and energy therapies in her work both at Akamai University and Energy Medicine Partnerships where she founded EMP based on her career as a holistic nurse practitioner, educator and researcher.
She has worked extensively with traditional healers from South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, & Peru blending their wisdom in her spiritually guided life's work.
Experience the Teachings from Bob Randall
Click on the words to go to the teaching
Rose Pere Teaching at Triangle Holistic Center
at Young Minds Conference 2012