Energy Medicine Self Care
Time & Dates: 2nd Tuesday 12 - 1:30 pm
Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12, Dec.10, 2024
Cost: $25 per sess or $90 if paid for all 4 up front
Continuing Education Units additional $10 fee
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Wellness for All
Energy Medicine helps one to:
Achieve optimal health in body, emotion, mind, and spirit.
Program Goal
Thoughts, experiences, and beliefs that may be causing an imbalance are identified, and then documented using a comprehensive assessment and psycho-spiritual treatment process. Energetic interventions are applied to help balance and restore energy flow.
Medical intuitive Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook founded the program - Transform Your Life through Energy MedicineTM. It is based on her distinguished 50+ year career as a university professor and clinical specialist in psychiatric mental health nursing. From 1974-84, she was a key figure in the development of world-renowned family therapist Virginia Satir's teaching organization, Avanta Network. Drawing on their 12 years together, elements from Virginia's teachings and philosophy were integrated with Dr. Bulbrook's holistic nursing theory "Healing From Within and Without." Over the next decade, Dr. Bulbrook's therapy training evolved into the "Energetic Healing" program. In 2004, the title of the program was changed to its current name, representing the growth and expansion from the original model. The work continues to advance today.
Over the last three decades, Dr. Bulbrook has been a pioneer in the energy medicine field. She began teaching and practicing Therapeutic Touch and Touch for Health in the 1970s, and moved to teaching her own energy material in the 1980s. From 1990-2004, Dr. Bulbrook was active in the leadership of Healing Touch. She developed both HT and her own program in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Peru, and Chile, as well as throughout the US and Canada. Dr. Bulbrook has collaborated with international healers such as Rosalyn Bruyere, Credo Mutwa (South African Sangoma), Bob Randall (Aborigine elder), and Rose Pere (Maori Tohuna).
In 1989, Dr. Bulbrook was honored with the Canadian Holistic Nurse of the Year award. From this rich background, she was able to create a highly effective and easy-to-implement model of advanced psycho-spiritual treatment. Currently she is Dean of the Institute for CAM Studies affiliated with Akamai University.
In Canada
In South America
In South Africa
In Peru
Goal: Participants will experience Energy Medicine for personal growth and healing.
Description: Each Energy Medicine class addresses a specific concept and its impact on the energy system. In a safe, trusting environment, participants explore and experience energetic interventions based on an identified need(s), thus providing an opportunity for deep, holistic healing and personal growth.
What are energy centers, energy fields and meridians? How do they affect health and illness? Learn the basics of the energy system in this introductory class. The introduction is strongly recommended for those new to energy based healing. (3-8 contact hours)
The interrelated aspects of a person include the physical body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Energetic distortions within any of these areas can compromise health. Learn how to perform an in-depth assessment of the energy system and then give interventions to restore balance and energy flow. (8 contact hours)
Our lives are affected by physical, emotional, mental or spiritual wounds stored in the energy system. Learn how to release the blocks to energy flow that can result from these wounds and become free from the past. (8 contact hours)
Beliefs are stored in the energy field and dramatically influence how we lead our lives. Learn what beliefs may be adversely affecting your life and how to change them. Replace limiting beliefs with new ones that better serve your highest potential. (8 contact hours)
Healthy relationships are essential for personal well-being. Through assessment, evaluation and treatment of the energy centers, you can change your relationships. Learn how to free yourself from energetic ties affecting your personal growth. (8 contact hours)
Family dynamics form energy patterns which shape our past, our present, and our future. This two-day course explores family energy patterns and provides techniques to change them through energetic interventions. Discover new ways of connecting between and among family members. (16 contact hours)
Energy Medicine Practicum Experience giving and receiving Transform Your Life through Energy Medicine 8 credits
International teaching center for Energy Medicine Partnerships
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Transform Your Life!
Services Available Online &
Private Sessions $50 for 15 minutes
Dr. Bulbrook is a holistic registered nurse, family wellness therapist and internationally renown master teacher, spiritual / medical intuitive, mystic, shaman, co-creative healing medium, expert energy specialist, health care professional and psychotherapist with over 50+ years practicing, teaching energy based care worldwide.
Currently she is Dean of the College of Integrative Health, CEO and President Emeritus of Akamai University.
Dr. Bulbrook combines science, spirituality, health care and energy therapies in her work both at Akamai University and Energy Medicine Partnerships where she founded EMP based on her career as a holistic nurse practitioner, educator and researcher.
She has worked extensively with traditional healers from South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, & Peru blending their wisdom in her spiritually guided life's work.
Experience the Teachings from Bob Randall
Click on the words to go to the teaching
Rose Pere Teaching at Triangle Holistic Center
at Young Minds Conference 2012