Energy Medicine Partnerships Inc. welcomes you to view our training site. Founded by Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook in 1987, EMP Inc. has been offering energy medicine training to individuals, groups, and organizations for more than two decades. Energy medicine complements traditional medicine and supports body, emotion, mind and spiritual wellness, health and healing through workshops, classes, webinars, and teleseminars of varying lengths. Training is available for individuals, families, coaches, healers and health professionals as well, in locations throughout the world and on line. EMP also prepares Energy Medicine Clinicians, Practitioners and Specialists in humans and animal care.
Training includes: Clearing the self, healing wounds, changing limiting beliefs, healing relationships and changing family energy patterns from a holistic perspective. Serving diverse populations and individualizing the work includes empowerment in maintaining and regaining health, spiritual development, and overcoming life threatening or physical or emotional illness,
Through our partnerships, we offer events and tours in addition to our comprehensive training. There is opportunity to receive college credit through Akamai University on-line training. EMP is an affiliate member of this internationally accredited distant on-line education university dedicated to improve the human condition and global sustainability. To learn more about our specific training and events, browse our site for a complete listing.
Subscribe to our blog for the latest news, and learn more about Energy Medicine Partnerships Inc. on our “About Us” page. Enroll in an energy medicine training today. Feel free to contact us at EMP Inc. if you have any questions.
2025 Dates Coming Soon
- Administrative Planning
- Joint Faculty & Students Meeting
- Faculty Development
- Orientation to Advanced Technology in Teaching
- Week - long Training for Graduate Classes
- Symposium Addressing 15 Global Challenges Facing Humanity
Check here to listen to all 13 of the shows offered through Voice America!
Voice America Wise Chats Radio Program
Time Zone Converter
Composite of Readings for Wise Chats Shows # 1-12 - Click Here
Readings Related to Wise Chats Shows Episodes #1-4 - Click Here
Readings Episodes #5 (Speaking Up) -#6 (Healing Relationships) - Click Here
Readings Espisodes #7 (Life Beyond Life) 8 (Getting Hooked Up Spiritually) Click Here
Readings Episode #9 (Healing Environments), 10 (Evolutionary Education) Click Here
Readings Episode #11 on Words, Episode #12 Oneness of all Things Click Here
Itimized Show Hifhlights & Listings
Oct. 30rh Flyer: Words, Well-being & Wonder Nov. 6th Show Flyer: Oneness of All Things
Episode #11 Show LInk Episode #12 Show LInk
Guests: Dr. Joel Bowman & Rev. Debra Basham Guests: Aboriginal Elder, Bob Randalll from Uluru
Final Wise Chats Show: November 13, 2013
Title: Stand in the Light - The Power of Unconditional Love and Responsibility
Where We have Been... Where We are Going
Show Flyer: Stand in the Light
Final Show Link
Featuring the Music of John Angotti - Stand in the Light Wed Site Click Here

Highlighting Maori Tohuna: Rose Pere, Peruvian Shaman, Amelia and the music of Tito La Rosa "Iqaro Canto Shamanioco", Sangoma Credo Mutwa of South Africa and Buddhist teacher Lama Surya Das

Aboriginal Elder, Bob Randall
Video from Central Australia Bob Giving Background of the Plight of The Aborigines - Kanyani
Winner of the 2006 Discovery Channel Best Documentary
Bob Singing His Story as one of the Stolen Generations: Brown Skin Baby They Take Him Away
Press Pass for Bob Randall's Show
This show recorded with Bob in Central Australia at his home in Uluru tells in his own words the plight of the Stolen Generation. Filled with a sense of loss he transcended his pain to communicate that we need to come to peace and honor each other, our background, our rights and our heritage. It is not right to take another's culture to be replaced by anothers. Through his pain and suffering, Bob has become the gentle spokeperson for the journey of his people. He speaks the truth and fill you with inspiration at the beauty and oneness of all things replacing struggle with peace, replacing anger with forgiveness and replacing sadness with joy and love - the heritage of all. He speaks of living in harmony with the land, nature and the animals addressing the Kanyani Principles passed down from the Aborigines elders. A rare treat to hear firsthand what happened from this gentle, loving soul speaking about unconditional love and responsibility.
Picture of Bob while on tour with Energy Medicine Partnerships.

0ctober. 30th Show: Words, Well-being and Wonder
The intersection of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Energy Medicine (EM) weave together body, mind, and spirit in a way that allows you to activate intuition and higher states of consciousness and will bring together head, heart, and hands in a whole new way of bringing healing to the world. Dr. Bowman offers free counseling to the returning military to support their health and well-being. Also visit their we for additional resources to support your healing journey.
Hear what Debra and Joel, two leading experts have to say on Wise Chats Oct. 30th show!
Debra & Joel's Web Site:
Oct. 23rd Show: Evolutionary Education: Whole Person Learning
Click Here for Show Flyer
Click Here to go to the Evolutionary Education Show Directly

Oct 16th Show: Creating Healing Environments

Guests: Craig & Sue Pattinson
Oct 9th Show:
Voice America 7th Wave Press Pass for this Show Click Here
Getting Hooked Up:
The Journey from Chiropractor to Shaman to Energy Healer
Guest: Dr. Paul Alfalla, DC, CEMP/S/I
Voice America Press Pass for Paul
Cllick here to see his show:
September 25th Show: Healing Relationships through TAT
How to Have Heaven on Earth with Tapas Fleming
One of the MOst Celebrated Leaders in Energy Psychology
Click on her picture or here to go to her website.

To Find More Information Click Here

Oct 4th Life Beyond Life with Dr. Bulbrook
Voice America Oct 4th Press Pass Click Here
September 18th Show: Ethical Dilemmas & Challenges:
When to Speak Up, Why & How
Dr. Lean Curtin, DSc (h),
A Living Legend, Mother of Nursing Ethics

Clice here for the flyer for all show descriptions that are available on Voice America.
Series Overview Covering the Spiritual Base

7th Energy Medicine Exchange Webinar: Energy Medicine with Pets and Animals
Aug. 24, 2013 Free Webinar on U-Tube - Click Here

Worldwide Energy Medicine offered in Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil.

Ceremony to honor service men and women held Aug 4th at the Triangle Holistic Center. Rose Pere, Maori Tohuna tuned in from New Zealand to share her energy to support those who served and help them to return to peace. In the morning at the UNC - Chapel Hill Catholic Newman Center the ceremony was placed in the book of prayers to provide additional spiritual connection honoring those who served and help to find the healing that they may need.
At the Triangle Holistic Center a sacred space was set up with the 31 certificates awarded through out spiritual community in the USA and Canada. Sacred objects were included while the messages received were read and each one of the names selected were placed in honor and will be kept throughout the year as a constant reminder of the need to support those who served us and may they return to peace in their hearts as they reunite with their families in love,
One of the recipients stated and I quote with his permission:
"Mary Jo just wanted you to know my husband said this touched him and he thanks you and said it felt better than when he was discharged. War is over now, we can all be free of war. It will just be a part of us and not have to walk with it anymore ...Blessings and love you!