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Written by Mary Jo Bulbrook   
Tuesday, 23 July 2024 00:00

Energy Medicine Partnerships (EMP) Board Certification:
Energy Medicine Practioner & Energy Medicine Specialist base training in

Transform Your Life through Energy Medicine (TYLEM)


Recertification Criteria 2022:

Click Here for EMP & EMS

Here for Certification (CEMP) (CEMS)

Certification Document Checklist

Certification Procedure 2022

Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice 

Program Description

Energy Medicine Partnerships, Inc. (EMP) is responsible for the TYLEM Overview and awarding the title Energy Medicine Practitioner and Specialist after meeting educational criteria. Once the title has been awarded, and a person is approved by the Energy Medicine program director, the person originally was eligible to apply to Energy Medicine Partnerships International (EMPI) to become certified. The application required completing a set of criteria established by Review Board EMP, submitting a fee for review by a review board of the EMP who are certified practitioners and specialists.

Energy Medicine Partnerships is an approved provider of continuing education by several accrediting organizations.  Please click to see more information.

Background of the original certification review with EMPI

The EMPI was first incorporated in 1988 as a not-for-profit organization with 501 (c) (3) status under the name International Alliance for Health and Health (IAHH). IAHH offered certification as a Energy Medicine Specialist in September, 2001. Certification as an Energy Medicine Practitioner was offered in July of 2003. IAHH was officially changed to EMPI on July 25, 2005.

The mission of EMPI is to support and promote therapeutic practices that honor body, emotion, mind and spirit. A primary purpose of the organization is to link such health and healing practices with those who can benefit from them. The EMPI supports the programs of Energy Medicine Partnerships and seeks to promote energy-based healing through partnerships and cooperative relationships. To strengthen the professional foundation of energy-based healing, a program to grant certification was established.

As of April 2022 Certification is administered through the newly established EMP Board Certification.  The documents for certification were prepared to be in alignment with documents from other professional organizations that have a certification.

Since this program originated from the scholar background of Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook, RN and the nursing profession, the materials for the EM Program is grounded in nursing professional documents and include the following:

  • American Nurses Association
  • American Holistic Nurses
  • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
  • American Association of Nurse Anesthetist
  • American College of Nurse-Midwives
  • Association of Women's Health, Obstetric Neonatal Nurses
  • National Association of Nurses Practitioners in Reproductive Health
  • National Association of Neonatal Nurses
  • Healing Touch Program
  • Healing Touch International

Training Pathways 

A summary pathway is below outlining the journey to certification:

(Energy Medicine Parts 1-5 by an approved Energy Medicine Instructor)

  1. Energy Medicine Practicum under the direct supervision of an Energy Medicine Instructor
  2. Approval by the supervising instructor that a student has met all the criteria to become an Energy Medicine Practitioner verified by letter to the director of the Energy Medicine Program.
  3. Review of the supporting documentation by the Energy Medicine program director of an individual students performance in applying EM Parts 1 – 5 during the EM Practitioner Practicum and demonstrating the ability to operate under the EM Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice while:
    1. Clearing the internal self
    2. Identifying & Healing Wounds
    3. Changing Unhealthy Beliefs
    4. Changing Relationships Energetically
    5. Reshaping Family Energy Patterns
  4. Receiving the title “Energy Medicine Practitioner” by the director of the Energy Medicine Program or her designated representive.
  5. Approval by the EM program director or her designated representative for eligibility to apply for certification through the Energy Medicine Partnerships International.
  6. Apply to the EMPI to be recognized as a Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner.
  7. Meet criteria established by the EMP for Board certification as an EM practitioner as verified by a certification, all who are certified practitioners and/or specialist in EM.
  8. Letter from the EMP Board certification review panel the awarding of the title: Certification as an EM practitioner.
  9. Energy Medicine Parts 1-7B by an approved Energy Medicine Instructor.
  10. Completion of meeting the requirements for Energy Medicine Specialist by an approved EM mentor and supervisor as verified by letter to the director of the EM program.
  11. EM program director review the documentation submitted by an approved EM mentor regarding an applicants verification of meeting all requirements as a Energy Medicine Specialist.
  12. Awarding of the title Energy Medicine Specialist by the director of the EM program
  14. Apply to the EMPI to be recognized as a Certified Energy Medicine Specialist.
  15. Meet criteria established by the EMP for Board certification as a Energy Medicine Specialist as verified by a Board certification review panel, all who are Certified Specialist in EM.
  16. Letter from the EMP board certification review panel the awarding of the title: Certification as an Energy Medicine Specialist.


Updated July 25, 2022

Last Updated on Monday, 29 July 2024 07:58